Friday, 8 June 2012

And The Scores Are...

Suncane Skale2012 Results
Here are the full scores of the 2012 contest, for your viewing pleasure. It was a fairly close contest, J-DA only beat Seyran by one point!

Friday, 1 June 2012

On Eurovision Entrants, Twitter and Followbacks

Just recently, I have made a twitter. Now, if you look hard enough, you'll find that a whole lot of ESC entrants are also on twitter. After following a whole bunch of them, I discovered that some of them were following me back for some reason. In fact, they follow back everyone who follows them. Now this, I like. Being good to your fans should always be rewarded, so here's a list of 'em:

KatrinasWeb - (United Kingdom 1997 - Love Shine A Light) - Yes, this is Katrina from Katrina and the Waves! Yes, she follows you back! Sadly their victory in 1997 was the last time we won the contest. Maybe in the future we will again? Who knows?
JJDubovie - (United Kingdom 2010 - That Sounds Good To Me) - Remember our Eurovision entry in 2010 when we came last? If you saw 'How To Win Eurovision' on BBC you will know that Josh Dubovie now performs under the name of 'Josh James' after getting last place in Oslo. (Update: Oh noes! It seems the horror of coming last was all too much and Josh Dubovie has now deleted his twitter account!) (Update Again: Well... it seems Josh Dubovie has been through some rebranding...)
VlatkoIlievski - (Macedonia 2011 - Rusinka) (Suncane Skale 2012) - My favourite Macedonian entry of all time, Rusinka! That was also the last Skopje Fest they did. Now, if you watched the 2011 Skopje Fest you'd remember it went on for five hours or some ridiculously long time like that. It was annoying at the time but now I wish they'd bring Skopje Fest back XD
Krassimir2 - (Bulgaria 2009 - Illusion) - Krassimir Avramov also does that whole followback thing. He was the Cezar of 2009, which is pretty sweet ^^

So that's all of them. Well, obviously Lena and Loreen and people like that can't follow everyone back because I'm sure they have about 100 million followers or something crazy like that, but there we have it.
So that's my twitter ramble over, good day, and good night!